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About Us

My Story

As I sit here feeling into my story my heart just overfills with love for myself, as I acknowledge just how far I have come on my healing journey with Cacao. My heart has transformed from a closed, pained space within myself, to an open, vulnerable space full of freedom and light. I have found the true power of my vulnerability, and have learnt what powerful medicine it is to  share that with others.


My journey with Cacao actually turned out to be a huge Womb initiation, filled with colours and light, darkness and shadows, breakthroughs and awakenings and powerful realisations about myself. Not all of it has been pretty, much has been really icky and hard to look at. But each time I have found the bravery inside to confront these shadows, with the guidance and support of Cacao and the wisdom of my womb, I have grown and awakened to new parts of my soul. I have opened to new, more highly vibrational ways of being and new ways of loving myself!


And now, here I am, wanting nothing more than to share the stories, mysteries and healing of this incredible plant medicine. With Mother Cacao as my guide, I wish to hold space for women to gently heal their trauma, to connect deeply to their wombs, to honour their boundaries, to love their bodies and to love themselves unconditionally. I wish to help men to open their hearts, connect to and accept their emotional needs, to accept and love the divine feminine within themselves and to heal from their trauma. I wish to help the collective to heal from the woundings that we have suffered, so that we can return to a state of peace, love and respect for each other and the planet. Living consciously and in-tune with all that life is and has to bring.


So welcome sweet soul! 

May you find all the healing that you need here, in this space.



About Wild Soul Cacao

Wild Soul Cacao was birthed from a little seed, planted by Cacao during my first ever cacao ceremony. After embarking upon my own healing journey with this plant medicine, I started getting little nudges, suggestions and messages from the world around me... to bring this medicine forward for more people. So I did!! I bought my first 5kg of Cacao, with an intention to sell it to my friends as they were all SO curious about what I was up to, and the transformation that they had seen in me. And that 5kg dissaprered. And that was the beginning of Wild Soul Cacao! 

Thos of you who have known me from the beginning will remember the hand-written bags that I used to package the cacao in! Before finding my incredible designer (and dear friend) Tash, to co-create my branding with me.

Wild Soul Cacao is based around honesty, ritual, integrity, love, community, compassion and joy. She is a love-child of which I pour my heart and soul into on a daily basis, to provide heart-centred support, high grade, ethically sourced cacao, community connection and healing for the hearts of humanity. Through sharing cacao, holding ceremony, educating individuals, and continually deepening my connection and practice to this sacred plant medicine, I aim to inspire and offer her medicine straight form my heart to yours.

Click here to learn more about Our Cacao

Meet The Team

Evan Hollingdale
Ceremonial Space Holder
Branch Flute Crafter


Natassia Bentley
Branding & Design

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Totnes, Devon, Uk

©2022 by Wild Soul Cacao. Proudly created with

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